Donor Events

If you would like to put together an event to help support One Heart, we welcome your partnership! Please contact us with your ideas.

Annual Fundraising Event

Each year we invite the community to enjoy a delicious food, socialize with friends and hear from families that are caring for children in state foster care. This is a great event to invite those that share the passion for teaching the love of Christ to children in foster care and want to support this mission.

Adopt a family for Christmas

One Heart families that are actively caring for children in their home are invited to register for a Christmas gift for each child in their home valued at $30. Many families choose to receive a family membership/gift card to one of the many local activities here in St. Louis. (Magic House, St. Louis Zoo, MO Botanical Gardens, Bowling) This gives their family the gift of time together! The number of families that register has steadily increased over the years, so we are desperately in need of more donors to bless the families. If you, your business or church group would like to adopt a family or more, please send us an email to match you with a family. Matching of families happens each year in late October/early November.