One Heart Family Ministry

Recruits, assists in training and supports Christian families for children in Missouri State foster care

We walk families through the entire process of learning about foster care.

One Heart walks with families through the entire process of learning about foster care, taking the required training and then supporting families after foster children join their family. One Heart will answer your questions and do their best to care for you all along the way.

Importance of Birth Family: What We Do
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    The need is great and the laborers are few. Not everyone is called to open their home to a child in need, but we can all serve these hurting children. Help us educate the Christian Community about the needs in foster care.

  • Block Training


    We offer the state required training from a biblical perspective. One Heart also offers continuing education for foster families.

  • Block Support Backpacks


    Caring for children from hard places is not an easy task. One Heart strives to support families along their journey to help them nurture the children in their care.

"This is an intimate sort of relationship- you have been with us every step of the way- before and during our “expecting” then for our boys arrival and now through the growing joys, pains, laughs and tears. Thank you!"

Michelle, adopt mom